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Anti Leech Hacking Tutorial

I was just asking to know if there is some audiance before
here is my methode
for hacking anti leech
we gona use a soft calde proxo mitron
proxomitron is an anti bull script web proxy it' works buy applying some rules to elliuminte pop up and many other thing but for our cas we need to desactive all this filtring first goto
download a copy of the soft
then you need to unselect all the option of the soft
and clik on log window
no go to a anti leech web site
use the plug in and not netpumper
in the plugin
add a proxy
you must put this proxy adress 8080 for http
the same for ftp
now select the file to download a click download
watch in proximitron log winodws you will see many internal forwarding
if the file are located in a ftp server
proximitron dont handel them
and you will find an error
in a ftp adress
if it's a http adress
you will find some thing like
get /blablalma/bla/file
and you have foudn the adress

Dreamweaver Tutorial (Search Database With Phpmysql)

Ok, this should work...First of all, there is one great extension for DW & PHP ADODB object model that is free and great! Download it and install from its called PHAKT (NOT impakt, because its not free)
Install it and you will have another type of PHP ADODB document type
Start project with PHP ADODB (not old PHP MySQL)
Page 1
Create form that has one Editbox and one button.
Name Edit box smething like e.g. "search" without quotes.
That form should have form action="results.php" and type set to POST
Not, create Page 2 and name it results.php. Create new recordset in dw
like this
FROM table
WHERE LIKE '%colname%' OR table.other.column LIKE '%colname%' ORDER BY table.tableid
this means that we want to select ALL (*) records in table WHERE content of column is similar (Dav, will return Dave, David, Davidof...) to search keyword.
Next, in variables click + and add variable name colname default value set to % if you want to show all records if form is submited blank, or -1 if You want to show none if form is submited blank. Finaly for Run-time value type $HTTP_POST_VARS['search'] Runtime value is equal name of Edit box name you set up in first page...
Now, from bindings tab, select values and insert it on page, that You would like to show on page. Ill skip this part assuming You know how to format output and how to limit it but if you dont know ask in reply...
So now You have page with results. Test it and see if its working.
If it is, create page 3 and name it details.php. Now, select value from page that you want to link with details page and click on link. Select details.php page and click on parameters. For param name enter something like id since this should be PK in table and unique value, and for value click on lightning icon, and select primary key in your table. In live page link should be like details.php?id=.
As for details page recordset it should look like
FROM table
WHERE = 'colname'
create vars as for page 2, but change Runtime to $HTTP_GET_VARS['id']

Firefox Speed Tweaks

Yes, firefox is already pretty damn fast but did you know that you can tweak it and improve the speed even more?

That's the beauty of this program being open source.
Here's what you do:
In the URL bar, type “about:config” and press enter. This will bring up the configuration “menu” where you can change the parameters of Firefox.

Note that these are what I’ve found to REALLY speed up my Firefox significantly - and these settings seem to be common among everybody else as well. But these settings are optimized for broadband connections - I mean with as much concurrent requests we’re going to open up with pipelining… lol… you’d better have a big connection.

Double Click on the following settins and put in the numbers below - for the true / false booleans - they’ll change when you double click.

browser.tabs.showSingleWindowModePrefs – true
network.http.max-connections – 48
network.http.max-connections-per-server – 16
network.http.max-persistent-connections-per-proxy – 8
network.http.max-persistent-connections-per-server – 4
network.http.pipelining – true
network.http.pipelining.maxrequests – 100
network.http.proxy.pipelining – true
network.http.request.timeout – 300

One more thing… Right-click somewhere on that screen and add a NEW -> Integer. Name it “nglayout.initialpaint.delay” and set its value to “0”. This value is the amount of time the browser waits before it acts on information it receives. Since you’re broadband - it shouldn’t have to wait.

Now you should notice you’re loading pages MUCH faster now!

Free Access To Websites Without Registering

Go to


and type the URL of the website you want to log into.

-, -

Another (and better) way is changing the user agent of your browser to:


This is very easy in Mozilla's Firefox. Download and install the User Agent Switcher from

and add the Googlebot user agent.

Have fun, Dead Dreamer!

-]Edit[- Now this kicks ass, was just browsing entire forum without even needing to login to view restricted areas, and it works on other sites
And no, you cant access the hidden forums either, already tried that.

Free Hosting

Free World Dialup

Free World Dialup -
"Use FWD to make real, free phone calls using your favorite telephone, computer or PDA and any broadband connection. Call your neighbor or a relative, next door or in another country; all with the same ease, speed, and high quality." Thanks to Jeff Pulver and his crew!

Quick summary:

1 - First, got to and sign up to get your FWD # and password.
2 - Download FWD/X-Lite ("self-configures") program or go to to call any FWD # and U.S. toll free #s using Internet Explorer (Firefox not supported).

Quickstart Guide:
FWD Xlite Configuration Guide:
MS Windows Messenger Configuration Guide: (FWD supports Windows Messenger 4.6/4.7 but not MSN Messenger 5.x.)

3 - To call a U.S. landline/cell #, dial *+arecode+7digit#. (This FWD feature is not listed on their website, but has been working for several months now.)

4 - To call a FWD # from a PSTN (your regular phone), click or after you've signed up go to FWD web page, click on "Features", "Access #s" for a list of FWD access numbers in your area. Available in several states in the U.S., UK, NL and DE at this time.

-- To call a P8 phone # from a FWD phone: Dial **898 + 1 + P8 number to be routed to P8 service.
-- To call a FWD # from a P8 phone:
*If the FWD # you are calling contains 5 digits, start to dial with the prefix 0351. For example: 035112345
*If the FWD # you are calling contains 6 digits, start to dial with the prefix 0451.

Call UK:
Get a UK telephone # that will call you on your FWD #. Register

FWD Features: Some features like Voice email needs to be activated at

Internet Calling
Call Waiting
Missed Call notification
Call Forwarding
Call Transfer
Three Way Calling
Voice email
SoftPhone, IP Phones & *Web-based
Whitepages directory
ENUM Entry
eDial SOAP
Instant Messaging
Web Calling/FWD-Talk
Corporate Cisco Call Manager Connection
Calling to Toll Free Numbers in the UK, US, NL, JP and FR TellMe Service (411).
-- NL Dial *31(800)... to reach Netherlands toll free #s.
-- UK Dial *44(800)... or *44(808)... or *44 (500) to reach UK toll free #s.
-- US Dial *1(8xx) xxx xxxx to reach United States toll free #s.
-- JP Dial *81 0120... to reach Japan toll free #s.

Frequently used numbers
613 Echo test
55555 Volunteer Welcome Line
514 FWD Coffee House
612 Time
411 TellMe Information
611 Part Time Technical support
511 FWD Conference Bridge

At the moment, I think this is way better than Skype, Yahoo IM voice chat, etc...I've been using FWD for over a year with my cable broadband service and didn't have to set up any port forwarding on my broadband router. Obviously you'ld need a mic/speakers connected to your PC.

You can also use your regular telephone via an adapter and IP phone Adapters and IP phones from different vendors like Cisco are available.

* VoIP forum (formerly known as
-- If you have any questions or just curious about VoIP, visit the VoIP forum at

Get Unlimited Bandwidth From Your Host For Free

NOTE: This applies only to specific hosting companies, due to the specific setup needed and does have its drawbacks.

While setting up hosting space with a specific company I often deal with, I noticed that they used a shared IP. (IP shared by two or more websites/domains.) Well, the rates for unlimited bandwidth were around $50+ per month, which I found unreasonable. I didnt require much space, and didnt want to be limited to a mere 3 gig of traffic per month.

Back on track... When setting up the acct, the hosting company needs to know the domain name so that they can direct it accordingly.
(example: 'http://www.123.4.567.890/~user1/ , 'http://www.123.4.567.890/~user2/ etc)

At this point you can give a url that doesnt belong to you at all. As long as the nameservers dont change, that should have absolutly no negative effects on you or your site whatsoever.

How it works is this:
The host propogates you a certain amount space on its servers, and monitors the traffic that enters their space through the domain its registered under. Being that the domain isn't connected to the site at all, it registers ZERO traffic.

Zero traffic registered = can't possibly go over bandwidth restrictions can't possibly go over bandwidth restrictions = free unlimited bandwidth

Now the problems with this (besides the ethical ones) is that your host may offer X amount of mail addys with the acct (you@y...) and these will not work, as the name isnt on their DNS. However, some domain companies allow you to set it up regardless. Another problem seems to be strictly cosmetic, but can be
highly problematic... Once you attach the domain you want onto the site, each page comes up/w the ip/UN the host propagated to your acct. Its at this point where you have to have a phenominal 10-15 character alphanumerical or better (#, &, etc) pw, or your site will be vulnerable to attack since the attacker already has your UN. This only gives attackers a slight advantage as the amount of time it would take to brute force a 10 character pw @ a rate of 1,000,000 per second is 10 years. Add numbers and case sensitivity to that and it
becomes approx 26,980 years.

While I'm on it, I may as well add that if you use this method, obviously you are going to be using the lowest cost hosting plan available, which in turn will offer the least amount of space. Thats why free hosts were invented.

Free hosts suck as a general rule. Who wants a site smothered in ads? However, if you upload all your programs, graphics and other large files (have a backup of course) to a reliable free host and target
them accordingly from your site you have just freed up a significant amount of space. The only setback/w this is having to keep an index card or file around/w your pws, as you should never use the same one
twice, and want to use complicated ones.

How Do U See Hidden Files, Using DOS..

Simple and useful tip
at command prompt just type
dir /ah
if the list is too long u can use
dir /ah/p/w

How to Bypass BIOS Passwords

BIOS passwords can add an extra layer of security for desktop and laptop computers. They are used to either prevent a user from changing the BIOS settings or to prevent the PC from booting without a password. Unfortunately, BIOS passwords can also be a liability if a user forgets their password, or changes the password to intentionally lock out the corporate IT department. Sending the unit back to the manufacturer to have the BIOS reset can be expensive and is usually not covered in the warranty. Never fear, all is not lost. There are a few known backdoors and other tricks of the trade that can be used to bypass or reset the BIOS

This article is intended for IT Professionals and systems administrators with experience servicing computer hardware. It is not intended for home users, hackers, or computer thieves attempting to crack the password on a stolen PC. Please do not attempt any of these procedures if you are unfamiliar with computer hardware, and please use this information responsibly. is not responsible for the use or misuse of this material, including loss of data, damage to hardware, or personal injury.

Before attempting to bypass the BIOS password on a computer, please take a minute to contact the hardware manufacturer support staff directly and ask for their recommended methods of bypassing the BIOS security. In the event the manufacturer cannot (or will not) help you, there are a number of methods that can be used to bypass or reset the BIOS password yourself. They include:

Using a manufacturers backdoor password to access the BIOS

Use password cracking software

Reset the CMOS using the jumpers or solder beads.

Removing the CMOS battery for at least 10 minutes

Overloading the keyboard buffer

Using a professional service

Please remember that most BIOS passwords do not protect the hard drive, so if you need to recover the data, simply remove the hard drive and install it in an identical system, or configure it as a slave drive in an existing system. The exception to this are laptops, especially IBM Thinkpads, which silently lock the hard drive if the supervisor password is enabled. If the supervisor password is reset without resetting the and hard drive as well, you will be unable to access the data on the drive.


Backdoor passwords

Many BIOS manufacturers have provided backdoor passwords that can be used to access the BIOS setup in the event you have lost your password. These passwords are case sensitive, so you may wish to try a variety of combinations. Keep in mind that the key associated to "_" in the US keyboard corresponds to "?" in some European keyboards. Laptops typically have better BIOS security than desktop systems, and we are not aware of any backdoor passwords that will work with name brand laptops.

WARNING: Some BIOS configurations will lock you out of the system completely if you type in an incorrect password more than 3 times. Read your manufacturers documentation for the BIOS setting before you begin typing in passwords

Award BIOS backdoor passwords:

589589 589721 595595 598598

AMI BIOS backdoor passwords:


PHOENIX BIOS backdoor passwords:



ALFAROME BIOSTAR biostar biosstar CMOS cmos LKWPETER lkwpeter setup SETUP Syxz Wodj


Manufacturer Password
VOBIS & IBM merlin
Dell Dell
Biostar Biostar
Compaq Compaq
Enox xo11nE
Epox central
Freetech Posterie
IWill iwill
Jetway spooml
Packard Bell bell9
Siemens SKY_FOX
Toshiba Toshiba


Most Toshiba laptops and some desktop systems will bypass the BIOS password if the left shift key is held down during boot


Press both mouse buttons repeatedly during the boot


Password cracking software

The following software can be used to either crack or reset the BIOS on many chipsets. If your PC is locked with a BIOS administrator password that will not allow access to the floppy drive, these utilities may not work. Also, since these utilities do not come from the manufacturer, use them cautiously and at your own risk.

Cmos password recovery tools 3.1
!BIOS (get the how-to article)


Using the Motherboard "Clear CMOS" Jumper or Dipswitch settings

Many motherboards feature a set of jumpers or dipswitches that will clear the CMOS and wipe all of the custom settings including BIOS passwords. The locations of these jumpers / dipswitches will vary depending on the motherboard manufacturer and ideally you should always refer to the motherboard or computer manufacturers documentation. If the documentation is unavailable, the jumpers/dipswitches can sometimes be found along the edge of the motherboard, next to the CMOS battery, or near the processor. Some manufacturers may label the jumper / dipswitch CLEAR - CLEAR CMOS - CLR - CLRPWD - PASSWD - PASSWORD - PWD. On laptop computers, the dipswitches are usually found under the keyboard or within a compartment at the bottom of the laptop.
Please remember to unplug your PC and use a grounding strip before reaching into your PC and touching the motherboard. Once you locate and rest the jumper switches, turn the computer on and check if the password has been cleared. If it has, turn the computer off and return the jumpers or dipswitches to its original position.


Removing the CMOS Battery

The CMOS settings on most systems are buffered by a small battery that is attached to the motherboard. (It looks like a small watch battery). If you unplug the PC and remove the battery for 10-15 minutes, the CMOS may reset itself and the password should be blank. (Along with any other machine specific settings, so be sure you are familiar with manually reconfiguring the BIOS settings before you do this.) Some manufacturers backup the power to the CMOS chipset by using a capacitor, so if your first attempt fails, leave the battery out (with the system unplugged) for at least 24 hours. Some batteries are actually soldered onto the motherboard making this task more difficult. Unsoldering the battery incorrectly may damage your motherboard and other components, so please don't attempt this if you are inexperienced. Another option may be to remove the CMOS chip from the motherboard for a period of time.
Note: Removing the battery to reset the CMOS will not work for all PC's, and almost all of the newer laptops store their BIOS passwords in a manner which does not require continuous power, so removing the CMOS battery may not work at all. IBM Thinkpad laptops lock the hard drive as well as the BIOS when the supervisor password is set. If you reset the BIOS password, but cannot reset the hard drive password, you may not be able to access the drive and it will remain locked, even if you place it in a new laptop. IBM Thinkpads have special jumper switches on the motherboard, and these should be used to reset the system.


Overloading the KeyBoard Buffer

On some older computer systems, you can force the CMOS to enter its setup screen on boot by overloading the keyboard buffer. This can be done by booting with the keyboard or mouse unattached to the systems, or on some systems by hitting the ESC key over 100 times in rapid succession.


Jumping the Solder Beads on the CMOS

It is also possible to reset the CMOS by connecting or "jumping" specific solder beads on the chipset. There are too many chipsets to do a breakdown of which points to jump on individual chipsets, and the location of these solder beads can vary by manufacturer, so please check your computer and motherboard documentation for details. This technique is not recommended for the inexperienced and should be only be used as a "last ditch" effort.


Using a professional service

If the manufacturer of the laptop or desktop PC can't or won't reset the BIOS password, you still have the option of using a professional service. Password Crackers, Inc., offers a variety of services for desktop and laptop computers for between $100 and $400. For most of these services, you'll need to provide some type of legitimate proof of ownership. This may be difficult if you've acquired the computer second hand or from an online auction.

How To Download Directly From

Some of you may not know this, others may already knew it, however, because of Sod rules which do no not allow indirect crack links, and because CrackDB is a very good resource for cracks, i will show how to post links that lead to a direct download from CrackDB.

The CrackDB server sends the archive of a crack as an attachment to the respond for an HTTP request made by your browser, this means you (and your browser) will never know the real location of the file, because of this you can't post a direct link to the crack in your topic.

Using the Referer variable we can overcome this problem, but what referer to use? if you used the domain name you will get nothing but a useless image file.

The correct refere is shown on your browser address bar. For example, if you want the crack for IsoBuster Pro v1.6 you just type the name in the search box and press Enter, the next page displays a list of items that match or nearly match your search keywords, click on IsoBuster Pro v1.6 from the list and you are now in the download page, the hyperlink named "Download" is the link that initiates the request to the server to download the file, which looks like this:

The referer is now displayed on your browser address bar, which looks like this:

Now, you use both links to refer to a direct crack download from CrackDB, like this
Use this referer:

Any member now can copy & paste the links into his/her download manager and start downloading immediately.

I hope you find something usefull here. Thanx for reading this.

Korean Phrases

English Phrases Korean Phrases

English Greetings Korean Greetings:
Hi! An-yŏng-ha-se-yo.   안녕하세요
Good morning! An-yŏng-hi ju-mu-shŏ-ssŏ-yo? / An-nyŏng-ha-se-yo? (polite)
안녕히 주무셨어요? 안녕하세요?
Good evening! Shik-sa-ha-shŏ-ssŏ-yo? / An-nyŏng-ha-shŏ-ssŏ-yo? (polite)
식사하셨어요? 안녕하세요?
Welcome! (to greet someone) Hwan-yŏng-ham-ni-da.   환영합니다.
How are you? Chal ji-nae-shŏ-ssŏ-yo?   잘 지내셨어요?
I'm fine, thanks! Ne. Chal ji-nae-ssŏ-yo.   네. 잘 지냈어요.
And you? … ŭ-nyo/nŭ-nyo? *1   Title+ 은/는요?
Good/ So-So. Chal ji-nae-ssŏ-yo. / Kŭ-jŏ kŭ-rae-yo.
잘 지냈어요. / 그저 그래요.
Thank you (very much)! (Nŏ-mu) kam-sa-ham-ni-da!   (너무) 감사합니다!
You're welcome! (for "thank you") A-ni-e-yo.   아니에요.
Hey! Friend! Ya! Ch'in-gu! (informal)   야! 친구!
I missed you so much! Nŏ-mu po-go shi-p'ŏ-ssŏ-yo.   너무 보고 싶었어요.
What's new? Pyŏl-li-ri ŏp-ssŭ-shŏ-ssŏ-yo?   별일이 없으셨어요?
Nothing much Ne. ŏp-ssŏ-ssŏ-yo.   네. 없었어요.
Good night! An-yŏng-hi ju-mu-se-yo!   안녕히 주무세요!
See you later! Na-jung-e bwae-yo!   나중에 봬요!
Good bye! An-nyŏng-hi ga-se-yo! / An-nyŏng-hi ge-se-yo! *2
안녕히 가세요! /or/ 안녕히 계세요!
Asking for Help and Directions
I'm lost Ki-rŭl i-rŏ-bŏ-ryŏ-ssŏ-yo.   길을 잃어버렸어요.
Can I help you? Mu-ŏ-sŭl do-wa-dŭ-ril-kka-yo?   무엇을 도와 드릴까요?
Can you help me? Chom to-wa-ju-shil ssu i-ssŭ-shi-na-yo?
좀 도와주실 수 있으시나요?
Where is the (bathroom/ pharmacy)? (Hwa-jang-shil/yak-kuk)-i ŏ-di-ye-yo?
(화장실/약국)이 어디예요?
Go straight! then turn left/ right! Tchuk ka-se-yo! Kŭ da-ŭ-me woen/o-rŭn tcho-gŭ-ro jom ga-se-yo.
쭉 가세요! 그 다음에 왼/오른 쪽으로 좀 가세요.
I'm looking for john. Cha-ni-ran sa-ra-mŭl ch'at-ko-i-ssŭm-ni-da.
잔이란 사람을 찾고 있습니다.
One moment please! Cham-kkan-ma-nyo!   잠깐만요!
Hold on please! (phone) Cham-shi-ma-nyo!   잠시만요!
How much is this? I-ge ŏl-ma-ye-yo?   이게 얼마예요?
Excuse me ...! (to ask for something) Shil-le-ji-man…   실례지만…
Excuse me! ( to pass by) Shil-le-ha-ge-ssŭm-ni-da.   실례하겠습니다.
Come with me! Tta-ra o-se-yo!   따라 오세요!
How to Introduce Yourself

Do you speak (English/ Korean)? Yŏng-ŏ/han-gu-gŏ hal jul a-se-yo?   영어/한국어 할 줄 아세요?
Just a little. Cho-gŭ-myo.   조금요.
What's your name? I-rŭ-mi ŏ-ttŏ-k'e dwoe-se-yo?   이름이 어떻게 되세요?
My name is ... Chŏ-nŭn_____i-e-yo.   저는 ____이에요.
Mr.../ Mrs.…/ Miss… Sŏn-saeng-nim/sa-mo-nim. *3   선생님/ 사모님 (Mrs.)
Nice to meet you! Man-na-sŏ ban-gap-ssŭm-ni-da!   만나서 반갑습니다!
You're very kind! Nŏ-mu ch'in-jŏ-ra-shi-ne-yo!   너무 친절하시네요!
Where are you from? Ŏ-di-sŏ o-shiŏ-ssŏ-yo?   어디서 오셨어요?
I'm from (the U.S/ Korea) Chŏ-nŭn (mi-guk/han-guk)-e-sŏ wa-ssŏ-yo.
저는 (미국/한국) 에서 왔어요.
I'm (American) Chŏ-nŭn (mi-gu-gin)-i-e-yo.   저는 (미국인)이에요.
Where do you live? Ŏ-di sa-se-yo?   어디 사세요?
I live in (the U.S/ Korea) Chŏ-nŭn (mi-guk/han-guk)-e-sŏ sa-ra-yo.
저는 (미국/한국)에서 살아요.
Did you like it here? Yŏ-gi-ga cho-ŭ-se-yo?   여기가 좋으세요?
Korea is a wonderful country Han-gu-gŭn dae-dan-han na-ra-im-ni-da.
한국은 대단한 나라입니다.
What do you do for a living? Chik-tchang-ŭn ŏ-ttŏ-k'e dwoe-se-yo?   직장은 어떻게 되세요?
I work as a (translator/ businessman) Chik-tchang-ŭn (pŏ-nyŏk-tcha/sa-ŏp-kka)-im-ni-da.
직장은 (번역자/사업가)입니다.
I like Korean Chŏ-nŭn han-gu-gŏ-ga cho-a-yo.   저는 한국어가 좋아요.
I've been learning Korean for 1 month Han-gu-gŏ gong-bu shi-ja-k'an ji han da-ri dwoe-ŏ-ssŏ-yo.
한국어 공부 시작한 지 한 달이 되었어요.
Oh! That's good! U-wa! Cho-ŭ-ne-yo!   우와! 좋으네요!
How old are you? Na-i-ga ŏ-ttŏ-k'e dwoe-se-yo?   나이가 어떻게 되세요?
I'm (twenty, thirty...) years old. Chŏ-nŭn (sŭ-mu/sŏ-rŭn)-sa-ri-e-yo.   저는 (스무/서른)살이에요.
I have to go Ka-bwa-ya dwoe-yo.   가봐야 돼요.
I will be right back! Kŭm-bang ga-tta ol-kke-yo.   금방 갔다 올께요.
Wish Someone Something
Good luck! Hang-u-nŭl bim-ni-da!   행운을 빕니다!
Happy birthday! Sang-il ch'u-k'a-ham-ni-da!   생일 축하합니다!
Happy new year! Sae-hae-bok ma-ni pa-dŭ-se-yo!   새해복 많이 받으세요!
Merry Christmas! Me-ri k'ŭ-ri-sŭ-ma-sŭ!    메리 크리스마스!
Congratulations! Ch'u-k'a-dŭ-rim-ni-da!   축하드립니다!
Enjoy! (for meals...) Ma-ni dŭ-se-yo!   많이 드세요!
I'd like to visit Korea one day Ŏn-jen-ga-nŭn han-gu-ge ka-go shi-p'ŏ-yo.
언젠가는 한국에 가고 싶어요.
Say hi to John for me Cha-nan-t'e an-bu-rŭl chŏ-nae-ju-se-yo.
잔한테 안부를 전해주세요.
Bless you (when sneezing) (No reaction, as if nothing happened)   -
Good night and sweet dreams! Dwae-ji-kkum kku-se-yo!   돼지꿈 꾸세요!
Solving a Misunderstanding
I'm Sorry! (if you don't hear something) Mwŏ-ra-go-yo?   뭐라고요?
Sorry (for a mistake) Choe-song-ham-ni-da.   죄송합니다.
No Problem! A-ni-e-yo.   아니에요.
Can You Say It Again? Ta-shi han-bŏn mal-ssŭ-mae-ju-shi-ge-ssŏ-yo?
다시 한번 말씀해주시겠어요?
Can You Speak Slowly? Ch'ŏn-ch'ŏ-ni mal-ssŭ-mae ju-shi-ge-ssŏ-yo?
천천히 말씀해 주시겠어요?
Write It Down Please! Chŏ-gŏ ju-se-yo!   적어 주세요!
I Don't Understand! Mo-na-ra-dŭt-kke-ssŏ-yo.   못 알아 듣겠어요.
I Don't Know! Mo-rŭ-ge-ssŏ-yo.   모르겠어요.
I Have No Idea. Chŏ-nyŏ mo-rŭ-ge-ssŏ-yo.   전혀 모르겠어요.
What's That Called In Korean? Kŭ-gŏt han-gung-mal-lo mwŏ-ra-go hae-yo?
그것 한국말로 뭐라고 해요?
What Does "gato" Mean In English? Da-nŭn yŏng-ŏ-ro mu-sŭn ttŭ-shi-e-yo?
”단”은 영어로 무슨 뜻이에요?
How Do You Say "Please" In Korean? “Please”rŭl han-gung-mal-lo ŏ-ttŏ-k'e ma-rae-yo?
“Please”를 한국말로 어떻게 말해요?
What Is This? I-ge mwŏ-ye-yo?   이게 뭐예요?
My Korean is bad. Chŏ-nŭn han-gung-mal chal-mo-t'ae-yo.   저는 한국말 잘못 해요.
I need to practice my Korean Han-gung-mal yŏn-sŭ-p'ae-ya dwoe-yo.   한국말 연습해야 돼요.
Don't worry! Kŏk-tchŏng ma-se-yo!   걱정 마세요!
Korean Expressions and Words
Good/ Bad/ So-So. Cho-a-yo./An-jo-a-yo./Kŭ-jŏ kŭ-rae-yo.
좋아요./안 좋아요./ 그저 그래요.
Big/ Small K'ŭn/Cha-gŭn *4   큰/작은
Today/ Now O-nŭl/Chi-gŭm   오늘/지금
Tomorrow/ Yesterday Nae-il/Ŏ-je   내일/어제
Yes/ No Ne/A-ni-yo.   네/아니요.
Here you go! (when giving something) Yŏ-gi-yo!   여기요!
Do you like it? Kwaen-ch'a-na-yo?   괜찮아요?
I really like it! Nŏ-mu cho-a-yo!   너무 좋아요!
I'm hungry/ thirsty. Pae-go-p'a-yo./Mong-mal-la-yo.   배고파요. / 목말라요.
In The Morning/ Evening/ At Night. A-ch'i-me/Chŏ-nyŏ-ge/Pa-me   아침에/저녁에/밤에
This/ That. Here/There I-gŏt/Kŭ-gŏt. Yŏ-gi/Kŏ-gi. *5   이것/그것. 여기/거기
Me/ You. Him/ Her. Chŏ/... Kŭ-bun/Kŭ-bun   저/title 그분/ 그분
Really! Chŏng-mal-lyo?   정말요?
Look! Po-se-yo!   보세요!
Hurry up! Sŏ-du-rŭ-se-yo!   서두르세요!
What? Where? Mwŏ-yo? Ŏ-di-yo?   뭐요? 어디요?
What time is it? Myŏ-sshi-ye-yo?   몇시예요?
It's 10 o'clock. 07:30pm. Yŏl-sshi-ye-yo. Il-gop-sshi ba-ni-e-yo.   열시예요. 일곱시 반이에요.
Give me this! I-gŏt ju-se-yo!   이것 주세요! .
I love you! Sa-rang-hae-yo!   사랑해요!
I feel sick. A-p'a-yo.   아파요.
I need a doctor Ŭi-sa-ga p'i-ryo-hae-yo.   의사가 필요해요.
One, Two, Three Il, i, sam / ha-na, tul, set *6   일, 이, 삼 / or / 하나, 둘, 셋
Four, Five, Six Sa, o, ryuk / net, ta-sŏt, yŏ-sŏt   사, 오, 륙/ or/ 넷, 다섯, 여섯
Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten Ch'il, p'al, ku, ship / il-gop, yŏ-dŏl, a-hop, yŏl
칠, 팔, 구, 십/ or/ 일곱, 여덜, 아홉, 열

How to find FTPs using google

How To Find Ftp's The Easy Way'

I use google because its the best search engine en everyone can access .
The easiest search quote is "index of ..."
Some kind of examples are:

index of ftp/ +mp3
index of ftp/ +divx
index of ftp/ +"whateveryouwant"

Google has many operators that should help you to specify your search
There are also lots of advanced operators available
here are a few:


allintitle: "index of ftp/mp3"

try to combine things and maybe u'll find something

Really useful stuff for those who don't know how to use one of the most powerful search engine

Fugitive Plan B

Fugitive Plan B 도망자: Plan B
Title: 도망자: Plan B / Fugitive Plan B / Do Mang Ja Plan B
Also Known as: Runaway: Plan B
Genre: Action, romance
Episodes: 20
Broadcast Network: KBS2
Broadcast period: 2010-Sep-29 to TBA
Air time: Wednesday & Thursday 21:55
Soompi Forum
During the Korean War, a vast amount of money disappeared. Now, some 60 years later, the money has reappeared, leading to a frantic chase across the globe. Jini (Lee Na Young) is a seemingly innocent woman who has hidden motives for approaching Jiwoo (Bi). Her plans are complicated by an unexpected romance developing between them, as well as the numerous pursuers hot on their trail. Kieko (Uehara Takako) is a famous Japanese singer who also gets tangled up in a relationship with this man. Little do they know that her father Hiroki (Takenaka Naoto), apart from being a business man, is a powerful yakuza. In this love triangle, who will finally win the love of Jiwoo?
(credits: Dramawiki)
(Firefox users: right-click, “save file as”)

ZIPPED SUBTITLES – Episodes 1-20#
(resync subs for 720p & 1080i are included in this file) |
(Firefox users: right-click, “save file as”)

EPISODE 1 HANrel | Baros
Main Translator: meju
Timer: szhoang
Editor/QC: puela
Coordinators: mily2, ay_link
EPISODE 2 HANrel | Baros
Main Translator: ripgal
Spot Translators: fore, meju, karened
Timer: dizzybugs
Editor/QC: langdon813
Coordinators: mily2, ay_link
EPISODE 3 HANrel | Baros
Main Translators: hot_saranghae, meju
Timer: gleemonex
Editor/QC: PTTaT
Coordinators: mily2, ay_link
EPISODE 4 HANrel | Baros
Main Translator: Destiny
Spot Translators: meju, karened
Timer: dizzybugs
Editor/QC: langdon813
Coordinators: mily2, ay_link
EPISODE 5 HANrel | Baros
Main Translator: meju
Spot Translator: karened
Timer: gleemonex
Editor/QC: puela
Coordinators: mily2, ay_link
(*v2)without special command {\a6} (this command is used to put up lyrics/info on top)
Read HELP section for more info about this special command.

EPISODE 6 HANrel | HANrel (*v2)
Main Translator: ripgal
Spot Translators: fore, meju
Timer: dizzybugs
Editor/QC: langdon813
Coordinators: mily2, ay_link
EPISODE 7 HANrel | Baros
Main Translator: meju
Spot Transators: ahsieee, cfirst
Timer: gleemonex
Editor/QC: puela
Coordinators: mily2, ay_link
EPISODE 8 HANrel| Baros
Main Translator: ripgal
Spot Translators: cfirst, meju
Timer: avi14
Editor/QC: langdon813
Coordinators: mily2, ay_link
EPISODE 9 HANrel| Baros
Main Translator: ripgal
Spot Translator: meju
Timer: doozy
Editor/QC: langdon813
Coordinators: mily2, ay_link
EPISODE 10 HANrel | Baros
Main Translator: meju
Timer: dizzybugs
Editor/QC: puela
Coordinators: mily2, ay_link
EPISODE 11 HANrel | Baros
Main Translator: cfirst
Spot Translator: meju
Timer: eully
Editor/QC: RSK
Coordinators: mily2, ay_link
EPISODE 12 HANrel | Baros
Main Translator: meju
Timer: doozy
Editor/QC: puela
Coordinators: mily2, ay_link
EPISODE 13 HANrel | Baros
Main Translator: ripgal
Spot Translators: songbird, meju
Timer: eully
Editor/QC: RSK
Coordinators: mily2, ay_link
EPISODE 14 HANrel | Baros
Main Translator: meju
Timer: dizzybugs
Editor/QC: langdon813
Coordinators: mily2, ay_link
EPISODE 15 HANrel | Baros | TOP
Main Translators: ripgal, G.Anon
Spot Translators: Tiggerlily93, meju, fore
Timer: avi14
Editor/QC: RSK
Coordinators: mily2, ay_link
EPISODE 16 HANrel | Baros
Main Translator: meju
Timer: dizzybugs
Editor/QC: langdon813
Coordinators: mily2, ay_link
Main Translator: G.Anon
Spot Translators: Tiggerlily93, meju
Timer: dizzybugs
Editor/QC: greenwing
Coordinators: mily2, ay_link
EPISODE 18 HANrel | Baros
Main Translator: meju
Spot Translators: serendipity, Tiggerlily93, G.Anon
Timer: julier
Editor/QC: langdon813
Coordinators: mily2, ay_link
Main Translator: G.Anon
Spot Translator: meju
Timer: blog234
Editor/QC: RSK
Coordinators: mily2, ay_link
EPISODE 20 *FINAL* HANrel | Baros (*NEW*)
Main Translator: meju
Spot Translator: G.Anon
Timer: dizzybugs
Editor/QC: langdon813
Coordinators: mily2, ay_link

Secret Garden

Secret Garden 시크릿 가든
Title: 시크릿 가든
English Title: Secret Garden
Broadcast Station: SBS
First Broadcast: November 13, 2010
Broadcast Times: Sat-Sun 10:00 PM
Number of Episodes: 20
Producer: Oh Se Kang
Director: Shin Woo Chul, Kwon Hyuk Chan
Screenwriter: Kim Eun Sook
Soompi Forum

Secret Garden is a romance fantasy drama brought by the winning combination of Kim Eun Sook and Shin Woo Chul of the Lovers series, On Air and City Hall. The drama tells the story of Kim Joo Won, a seemingly perfect man yet with certain arrogance and childishness in him, and Gil Ra Im, a stuntwoman whose beauty and body are the object of envy of top actresses. One day they went deep into the mountains and entered a strange house. A strange grandmother offered them chocolate to eat. The next day they found themselves changing bodies. This drama will replace the weekend drama ‘Life Is Beautiful’.
The drama tells the story of Kim Joo Won (Hyun Bin), an arrogant and eccentric CEO who maintains the image of seeming perfection, and Gil Ra Im (Ha Ji Won), a poor and humble stuntwoman whose beauty and body are the object of envy amongst top actresses. Their accidental meeting, when Joo Won mistakes Ra Im for actress Park Chae Rin, marks the beginning of a tense, bickering relationship, through which Joo Won tries to hide a growing attraction to Ra Im that both confuses and disturbs him. To complicate matters further, a strange sequence of events results in them swapping bodies.
(credits: Soompi & Dramawiki)
(Firefox users: right-click, “save file as”)
*many thanks to RoshaN for the 720p HanSun resync files*

EPISODE 1 HANrel | 720p-HanSun | 720p-KiSHD
Main Translator: meju
Spot Translator: serendipity
Timer: sasa7320
Editor/QC: ay_link
Coordinators: mily2, ay_link
EPISODE 2 HANrel | 720p-HanSun | 720p-KiSHD
Main Translators: cfirst, mandu00
Spot Translator: serendipity
Timer: dizzybugs
Editor/QC: langdon813
Coordinators: mily2, ay_link
EPISODE 3 HANrel | 720p-HanSun | 720p-KiSHD
Main Translators: meju, shalomtwotwo
Spot Translators: meju, fore
Timer: avi14
Editor/QC: snoopyvkd
Coordinators: mily2, ay_link
EPISODE 4 HANrel | 720p-HanSun | 720p-KiSHD
Main Translator: serendipity
Spot Translator: fore
Timer: hitomi83
Editor/QC: RSK
Coordinators: mily2, ay_link
EPISODE 5 HANrel | 720p-HanSun | 720p-KiSHD
Main Translator: serendipity
Spot Translator: meju
Timer: jann
Editor/QC: RSK
Coordinators: mily2, ay_link
EPISODE 6 HANrel | 720p-HanSun | 720p-KiSHD
Main Translator: meju
Timer: dizzybugs
Editor/QC: ay_link
Coordinators: mily2, ay_link
EPISODE 7 HANrel | 720p-HanSun | 720p-KiSHD
Main Translator: serendipity
Timer: szhoang
Editor/QC: langdon813
Coordinators: mily2, ay_link
EPISODE 8 HANrel | 720p-HanSun | 720p-KiSHD
Main Translator: serendipity
Spot Translator: meju
Timer: jann
Editor/QC: aaachec
Coordinators: mily2, ay_link
EPISODE 9 HANrel | 720p-HanSun
Main Translator: fredhan1992
Spot Translator: meju
Timer: dizzybugs
Editor/QC: snoopyvkd
Coordinators: mily2, ay_link
EPISODE 10 HANrel | 720p-HanSun
Main Translator: meju
Spot Translators: fredhan1992, serendipity, fore, soluna413
Timer: schizoar
Editor/QC: langdon813
Coordinators: mily2, ay_link
EPISODE 11 HANrel | 720p-HanSun
Main Translators: fredhan1992, serendipity
Spot Translator: ahsieee
Timer: jann
Editor/QC: aaachec
Coordinators: mily2, ay_link
EPISODE 12 HANrel | 720p-HanSun
Main Translator: meju
Timer: dizzybugs
Editor/QC: RSK
Coordinators: mily2, ay_link
EPISODE 13 HANrel | 720p-HanSun
Main Translator: serendipity
Spot Translator: fore
Timer: dizzybugs
Editor/QC: RSK
Coordinators: mily2, ay_link
EPISODE 14 HANrel | 720p-HanSun
Main Translator: serendipity
Spot Translator: meju
Timer: jann
Editor/QC: aaachec
Coordinators: mily2, ay_link
EPISODE 15 HANrel | 720p-HanSun
Main Translator: serendipity
Timer: jann
Editor/QC: koreanpears
Coordinators: mily2, ay_link
EPISODE 16 HANrel | HANrel (v2) | 720p-HANrel | 720p-HANrel (v2)
(For those who can’t view {\a6} command properly, please download the v2 version one. v2 version has lyrics on top)
Main Translators: fredhan1992, serendipity
Spot Translator: meju
Timer: dizzybugs
Editor/QC: aaachec
Coordinators: mily2, ay_link
EPISODE 17 HANrel | HANrel (v2)
(For those who can’t view {\a6} command properly, please download the v2 version one)
Main Translator: meju
Timer: methuongcon
Editor/QC: snoopyvkd
Coordinators: mily2, ay_link
EPISODE 18 HANrel | 720p HANrel
Main Translator: angele0487
Spot Translators: soluna413, songbird, meju
Timer: em_ily<3
Editor/QC: aaachec
Coordinators: mily2, ay_link
Main Translator: serendipity
Timer: jann
Editor/QC: koreanpears
Coordinators: mily2, ay_link
Celebrating our 146th Completed Project – Thank you for watching with us! ^^
Main Translator: serendipity
Timer: julier
Editor/QC: aaachec
Coordinators: mily2, ay_link
Hidden Story – Special HANrel
Main Translator & Timer: meju
Fine-tuning: ay_link
Coordinators: mily2, ay_link
Lunar Special – Part 1 HANrel (*NEW*)
Main Translator & Timer: serendipity
Fine-tuning: julier
Coordinators: mily2, ay_link
Lunar Special – Part 2 HANrel (*NEW*)
Main Translator & Timer: serendipity
Fine-tuning: julier
Coordinators: mily2, ay_link

101 Best SEO Tips

SEO is the process of improving a website or page visibility in the search engines. The more frequently your site appears on search engines the more visitors it will receive. It involves editing your content or your HTML coding increase its relevance to a specific keywords and to remove barriers to the indexing activities of search engines.
For more info on SEO related, search this site. Now let’s get started with our main list.

001. Learn SEO.
002. Practice SEO.
003. SEO is not hard to follow.
004. List down your competitors.
005. Get targeted keywords related to your niche.
006. Research which targeted keywords attracts more traffic.
007. Research which targeted keywords attracts less traffic.
008. Know your competitors keywords. [View its source page]
009. Compare your keywords with the competitor’s keywords.
010. Try to use your targeted keyword wherever required.
011. Use keywords in Meta tags.
012. Focus on phrases too.
013. Don’t stuff your Meta tags with keywords. This would penalize your site.
014. Use a maximum of 10 keywords in the Meta keyword section.
015. Try not to exceed more than 400 character spaces in the Meta keyword section.
016. Use them wisely.
017. Don’t just rely on keywords.
018. Don’t sell your keywords.
019. Use Meta tags.
020. Meta tags are important. Don’t ignore them. But don’t rely on them too heavily
021. Insert Meta tags just before the head tag, so it’s the first thing scanned by search engine spiders.
022. Optimize your Meta tags.
023. Treat your Meta title tag like gold.
024. Add an index, follow Meta tag. [Not necessary]
025. Keep it short, sweet and simple.
026. Limit it to 65 characters. They will be cut down if it exceeds. And you won’t like them.
027. If you offer specific service do mention it in the title tag.
028. Make sure every page has a title.
029. Spiders hate untitled page.
030. Try to show website hierarchy for categories and other deep pages in the title.
031. Make sure every page has a unique Meta description, especially for your main homepage.
032. Make sure you clearly define what your blog or website is about in the Meta description. Also in the post pages, specify what the article is about.
033. Try to include your targeted keywords in Meta description.
034. Meta description content should be within the first 150 characters. Try not to exceed more than 300 characters.
035. Submit your blog to google, google blog search, bing, yahoo and dmoz.
036. Add your website to Google Webmaster Tools (GWT)
037. Create an HTML sitemap
038. Create an XML sitemap and submit it to GWT
039. Avoid unnecessary or excessive use of coding on a page.
040. Avoid use of JavaScript’s or AJAX in the content area.
041. Avoid using flash objects on a website.
042. Avoid inline styling.
043. Separate styling from page using CSS
044. Use style sheets.
045. Avoid using dynamic URL. [Usually random numbers or letters]
046. If using dynamic URL, avoid using too many parameters
047. Use static URL
048. Try to use keywords in the URL structure.
049. Separate keywords with a DASH []
050. Content is king, so be sure to have good, well-written and unique content that will focus on your primary keyword or keyword phrase.
051. Be sure that your site has both unique and quality content.
052. Make your title “Catchy”. Organize the body of the post into three parts. Intro > Exploit > Conclusion.
053. Make sure you write more than 300 words [search engines like long posts]
054. Make sure you use your targeted keywords in the 1st Para or 1st sentence of the content.
055. Try using synonyms of your targeted keyword in the content.
056. Maintain an average keyword density of 5% to 7%.
057. Don’t hide text in JavaScript drop-downs.
058. Don’t hide text by making it the same color as the background.
059. Don’t hide text by making it too small for a user to see.
060. Don’t stuff keywords in your text.
061. Bold or italicize important keywords or Para.
062. Use heading tags to denote important text (H1-H6).Make sure you use the H1 tag in your content.
063. Use alt tags
064. Alt tags should be relevant to the image
065. Avoid numbers for naming image. Use keywords separated by dash. [key1-key2.png]
066. Separate the keywords in alt tags by DASH [-] or PLUS sign [+].
067. Don’t use heavy large size images.
068. Interlink pages wherever required.
069. The more a page is interlinked, the more important that page will be deemed.
070. Make sure you use keywords for your hyperlinks.
071. The more interlinks for a page, the more votes for that page.
072. Avoid creating hyperlinks that says “Click Here” or “Read More”.
073. Use title tag for images eg: ”Key1-Key2″
074. Use title tag for links. eg: Anchor Text&lt
075. Focus on acquiring one-way links from a websites that are similar to your niche (ex: blogging sites should try to get links from other blogging sites).
076. Focus on acquiring one-way links from websites that have high Google Page Rank.
077. Link exchange is good, but don’t follow or rely them heavily.
078. Exchange links with reputed websites
079. Avoid Link Farming.
080. Submit your blog articles and other info related to your niche to Digg, SU, or Reddit.
081. Submit your RSS feed to the blogosphere.
082. Use popular forums related to your niche to link back.
083. Link your website to forum signature.
084. Leave comments on popular & related blogs
085. Create profile on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and others.
086. Use Google analytics to track result.
087. Solve queries on Yahoo answers and Google groups and link relevant articles to your blog.
088. Submit your blog to Technorati. Technorati pages rank well in Yahoo and MSN.
089. Do not submit your blog to 100 irrelevant directories. Submit your blog to directories related to your niche.
090. Submit a guest post to your related niche.
091. If you are on a shared server, do a blacklist check to be sure you’re not on a proxy with a spammer or banned site.
092. Be aware that by using services that block domain ownership information when you register a domain, Google might see you as a potential spammer.
093. Make sure you leave call to action with your content.
094. Add new, useful content to your site on a regular basis. Fresh content can improve your rankings.
095. Create an RSS feed and optimize the same.
096. If you are offering service or selling products, get your site listed in Google Maps, Yahoo Locals
097. Don’t kill SEO. SEO is never ending.
098. Be Patient. SEO is not a one shot process.
099. SEO is all about Text, Link, Popularity, and Reputation.
100. Give link love and Get link love.
101.And always try to create a 101 resource list.